L.A. Ivanova, O.A. Kazakova, A.Y. Aleksin – Predictive response analysis in context of boxers’ mental progress



PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Ivanova1
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Kazakova1
A.Y. Aleksin1
1Samara State University of Economics, Samara

The study was designed to analyze the predictive capacity of beginner boxers i.e. their anticipative responses in the training and competitive process. This kind of analysis supported by the relevant competitive mental conditioning models may be beneficial for studies of the sport effects on the adolescents’ mental progress. Good competitive progress may be secured by the training process being designed to cultivate the key qualities of importance for success plus the fight techniques and tactics. The predictive response development element was found indispensable for progress in modern boxing as demonstrated by an experiment under the study. Benefits of the predictive response development tools were confirmed by a dispersion analysis, with the analytical data showing the progress of the predictive response development efforts being determined by three key factors. In terms of the practical effects of these factors, the picture is as follows: the predictive response building progress will be secured by a reasonable combination of persistent trainings and progress tests. The study data and analyses demonstrate that the choice response rate and accuracy may be fast improved in beginner boxers conditional on a set of special predictive response building tools being applied. The progress in this training component is determined to a lesser degree by the age-specific development rate as verified by a significant correlation found by the study.

Keywords: mental qualities, predictive response, training process effects, age-specific development factors, boxing training exercises, sensorimotor response to signal.


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