Rating Siberian university students’ fitness for GTO complex tests in educational process: present situation and prospects



Postgraduate student M.Y. Kan1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1, 2, 3
Postgraduate student V.A. Vlasov2, 3
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2Reshetnev Siberian State University, Krasnoyarsk
3Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, Krasnoyarsk

The article analyzes the present situation with the Siberian university students’ fitness ratings for the GTO Complex tests in the educational process. Sampled for the study purposes were students of Krasnoyarsk regional universities (n=749, including 393 males and 356 females). The male/ female students’ fitness was rated by the 3000/ 2000m race tests, respectively, since this test is considered a basic physical fitness rating tool and one of the key GTO Complex tests. Practical tests found more than 50% and 35% of the male and female subgroups, respectively, being unfit for the GTO Complex 3000/ 2000m race tests. The test data and analysis showed that the valid academic physical education curriculum is by far short of the GTO Complex requirements and needs to be redesigned as required by the modern efficient physical education technologies, models and tools to activate the PE activity and motivate students for physical progress and success in the GTO Complex tests.

Keywords: GTO Complex standards, Siberian university students, physical fitness.


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