Academic self-reliant health-improvement physical trainings



PhD, Associate Professor V.N. Kovalenko1
PhD, Associate Professor I.S. Moskalenko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Demesh1
1St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg

It is common knowledge that the university students’ health standards tend to sag today due to a variety of negative social and demographic factors including the increasingly common physical inactivity. A high priority in the efforts to reverse the trends is given to the health-improvement physical trainings geared to at least maintain good physical fitness and cultivate healthy lifestyles, with a special emphasis on the self-reliant health practice management models customizable to individual needs, daily regimen and predispositions for physical activity. The study analyzes the frame concepts of the academic self-reliant health-improvement physical trainings and offers an academic self-reliant health-improvement physical training model including water thermal, massage, and body tempering practices compliant with due hygienic standards.

Keywords: health-improvement physical trainings, self-reliant training, water thermal practices, massage, body tempering, training tools.


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