Student health management model: group/ individualized training modules



PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Shutova1
G.B. Kondrakov1
Y.O. Averyasova1
Y.B. Filimonova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The student health management model analyzed in the study implies prior functionality tests followed by the physical education (PE) process design recommendations. The study offers a new academic PE model with three-times-a-week PE sessions for the first-year economics students and two-times-a-week sessions for the 2-3-year economics students, with the trainings dominated by the modern fitness tools. The group and individualized training modules were designed to include special body building practices, water fitness, pilates, martial arts and traditional body conditioning practices customizable for desired competences, health conditions and gender groups; with the trainees’ progress rated by special progress tests.
The customizable group/ individualized training modules were found beneficial as verified by the sample progress in the class training tests and overall physical activity rating surveys. The model progress tests, however, showed insignificant improvements in the cardiovascular system functionality and physical fitness test rates and, therefore, we recommend the model being further excelled to include more individualized training practices with application of express test systems to test the trainees’ wellbeing and functionality rates in the process.

Keywords: physical education, students, health management, physical education improvement concepts, fitness.


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