Academic competence tests in physical education bachelor training process



Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Bondin1
Graduate student О.N. Tolstokora1
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

The study analyzes the modern academic competence test models applied in the training process of bachelor of physical education. Special attention in the study is given to the notions and meanings of ability, fitness and self-development in the context of the competences as specified in the Federal State Higher Education Standards (FSHES). It should be noted that the traditional competence test methods largely fail to rate individual qualities, value systems and motivations critical for professional careers. The study found that the modern competence rating methods are not always trustworthy and may be even detrimental to the physical education bachelor training service quality. The existing academic curriculum provides neither consistent interpretation of the key notions nor commonly recognized competence-driven bachelor training service concepts. A higher priority shall be given to the efforts to develop a sound academic progress and competence test toolkit.

Keywords: tests, competences, abilities, values, personality qualities, academic curriculum, physical education bachelor training service.


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