Beginner football referees’ attention control qualities rating model



Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Gretz1
PhD A.D. Budogossky2
PhD E.A. Turbin2
I.V. Ovsyanikov2
1Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Smolensk
2All-Russian Association of nongovenmental organizations "Center -"Football Referee ", Moscow

The study analyzes the beginner referees’ attentiveness rating tools since the attention control qualities and abilities are critical for success of the football refereeing service. For the purposes of the study, we applied an attention control rating scale commonly used for the academic progress rating purposes by the referees in training schools and academies. The individual concentration/ attention control, switchover and stability rating tests are recommended for the trainees selection and progress rating purposes in the football referees training schools and academies. The study shows that a set of common body conditioning and special physical exercises is beneficial for the attention adaptation resource mobilization and attention controllability improvement in the beginner football referees. The study data and findings on the attention control elements and progress rating test tools are recommended for application in the trainees’ selection and academic progress rating in the football referees training centers.

Keywords: football, umpire, beginner trainee, attention control qualities, professional competency rate.


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