2-14 year-old girls’ choreographic progress tests in rhythmic gymnastics



PhD E.V. Beklemisheva1
I.A. Dubovitskaya1
E.V. Sheryayeva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The study analyzes the ways to improve the traditional choreographic progress test system, with the top-difficulty rhythmic and choreographic gymnastics elements being included in the dance combinations mastered in choreographic classes. Subject to the study were 10 junior female rhythmic gymnasts trained at Olympic Reserve Sport School #64. For the study purposes, we developed special progress tests with application of the top-difficulty rhythmic gymnastics and choreographic elements with support, without an apparatus and in the middle. The 12-14 year-old girls’ performance was rated by the progress tests with a special attention to the choreographic mastery by 5 top-class experts, with every choreographic mastery test routine (exercise with support and in the middle) scored in points. The new choreographic mastery improvement model tested by a 6-month long educational experiment was found beneficial as verified by the subjective scores of the special rhythmic gymnastics skills of the trainees and their notable progress in the choreographic mastery acknowledged by the experts.

Keywords: choreographic training, choreographic fitness, choreographic mastery scoring scale for female gymnasts.


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