Beginner football referee alternative training technology applicable in special centers



PhD A.D. Budogossky1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Gretz2
K.E. Verkholetov1
1All-Russian Association of nongovenmental organizations "Center -"Football Referee", Moscow
2Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Smolensk

The study analyzes benefits of an alternative training technology for beginner football referees compliant to the three-level training system as required by the UEFA Convention on the referee training; and considers the training process design specifics with a special emphasis on the modern distance and correspondence education technologies. The study overviews the beginner football referee alternative training model with practical cases of the modern IT applications for the training. Practical experience of the alternative training model application in the Football Referee Training Center has demonstrated benefits of the training model as verified, among other things, by the fact that 11 of 25 graduates (44.0%) have successfully qualified for the professional football refereeing service. It is also important that the new system gives a chance for many regional prospects to have a professional training in a special center.

Keywords: beginner football referee training, distance education, correspondence education, alternative referee training model.


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