Krasnoyarsk academic sport infrastructure demand-and-supply situation analysis: socio-educationaspect



Dr.Sc.Phil., Associate Professor S.Yu. Piskorskaya1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
1Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

The study was designed to facilitate the large-scale volunteer movement in the university student population, promote modern sport culture and motivations of students for contribution to the 2019 (XXIX) World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk. Objective of the study was to analyze the demand-and-supply situation in the Krasnoyarsk academic sport infrastructure in the context of the upcoming global sport event. For the study purposes, we analyzed the academic sport infrastructure services at seven Krasnoyarsk universities in the 2016-17 academic year using the following performance criteria: number of mass student sport events per year; services provided at the academic sport facilities to mass municipal sport events in Krasnoyarsk; health and sport services provided to the local communities; services to different mass student sport events; demand-and-supply situation in the academic system of Krasnoyarsk etc. The academic sport infrastructure demand-and-supply situation analysis in the socio-education aspect should help activate the academic mass sport movements and local sport infrastructure development projects.

Keywords: prioritization, sports infrastructure potential, social function, university, students, Winter Universiade-2019.


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