Special liability of biathletes



PhD, Associate Professor I.Yu. Rogaleva1
Doctor of Law, Professor А.А. Fatyanov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Shcherbakov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Rogaleva2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow

The study analyzes some issues of biathletes’ liability with a special emphasis on the meanings and definitions of such notions as punishment (applicable to athletes) and disciplining measure (applicable to coaches). Subject to a special analysis under the study were the types of punishment applied to biathletes. Violations of the Constitution and other IBU rules are quite common among the other disciplinary violations in modern biathlon that normally occur unintentionally due to lapses in concentration of the athletes, with doping being ranked the most serious and at the same time the most common violation of the disciplinary rules in biathlon. It could be ranked lower on the list of the violations if the consequences were not so serious for the sport and health.

Keywords: disciplinary liability, biathlon, doping, types of punishment, disciplinary rules, disqualification.


  1. Alekseev S. V., P. V. Krasheninnikov [ed.] Sportivnoe pravo. Trudovye otnosheniya v sporte. Uchebnik dlya vuzov [Sports law. Labour relations in sport. Textbook for higher schools]. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, Zakon i pravo publ., 2013.
  2. Official website of the International Biathlon Union: http://www.biathlonworld.com/.