Physical rehabilitation and activation tools in post-stroke rehabilitation period



PhD, Associate Professor J.E. Firileva
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

The study analyses the physical rehabilitation and activation tools applicable in a post-stroke rehabilitation period to cure the movement patterns in patients. The physical activation tools include special physical exercises from different gymnastics disciplines with health and corrective emphasis. We applied a 5-point rating scale to rate the rehabilitation progress in the upper and lower limbs, sitting and standing postures, walking skills, a variety of physical qualities and practical skills. The study found that the post-stroke activity is lowermost in the primary (acute) rehabilitation period followed by an assistance-required period when the patient is helped by a physical therapist, health personnel and family.
In the first 6 post-stroke months, the motor progress is normally limited followed by the second period (up to 1 year) most favourable for further progress in every aspect, with increased self-reliant activity recommended to the patients. In the next adaptation period (up to 2 years and more), the motor activity and movement stability tends to further grow up to the possible best level rated by 5 points. The post-stroke physical rehabilitation and activation model was found beneficial for recovery of the movement patterns.

Keywords: motor activity, cerebral stroke, pedagogical control, acute, rehabilitation and adaptation periods.


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