Overweight students’ training for GTO complex tests



N.L. Volkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev2
Postgraduate student E.A. Fedotova2
1Lyceum № 393, St. Petersburg
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

As provided by Presidential Decree #172 of March 24, 2014, the Russian Physical Education and Sports GTO Complex has been reinstated to facilitate the physical resource and health development initiatives and increase motivations for habitual physical practices. The study offers and assesses benefits of a heavyweight students’ training model for the GTO Complex tests including the class and off-class physical trainings. The heavyweight students’ training model was found beneficial as verified by the model piloting experiment with a special emphasis on the strength practices and circuit training tools versus the standard school training program.

Keywords: schoolchildren, special health group, physical exercises, physical qualities, standards.


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