Physical fitness variation analysis to improve academic physical education service efficiency



PhD, Associate Professor G.N. Nizhnik1
PhD, Associate Professor E.P. Stolyarova1
1Yelets State Ivan Bunin University, Yelets

Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the students’ physical fitness variation for fifteen years with the tests run every 5 years since 2002. Applied for the study purposes were the common physical fitness rating tests including speed-strength rating standing long jump and sit up tests; speed qualities rating 100m sprint test; strength rating (in male groups only) pulls-up on a horizontal bar test; and endurance rating 2000/ 3000m race tests for the female/ male groups, respectively. The study data and analysis showed a significant regress in the students’ physical fitness for the period of 2002 to 2008, with the highest regress tested in endurance, speed-strength and male strength rates.

Keywords: physical fitness, young men, girls, strength and speed-strength fitness, endurance.


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