Heart rate variability data to rate 7-8 year-olds’ physical education process efficiency



PhD A.V. Dobrin
Yelets State Ivan Bunin University, Yelets

Many studies show the need for high priority to be given to the health-centered primary physical education process models designed to secure due emotional backgrounds to step up the energy mobilization and adaptation to physical activity. Objective of the study was to analyze the heart rate variability (HRV) to rate the 7-8 year-olds’ (n=150) physical education process efficiency versus the process emotionality rates, with the modern Omega-M computerized HRV test system applied for the tests. The HRV data were obtained in the following test modes: background condition test; motivation-related condition test; and punishment-related condition test, with 300 R-R intervals recorded in every test. The study data showed that the highly emotional situations are associated with the activation of the sympathetic nervous system in the HR control domain. Positive emotions were found to increase the influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the HR to facilitate adaptation of the primary schoolchildren to physical loads. The study data largely agree with other study reports in the finding that the primary schoolchildren’s HR control is secured by summated neurohumoral effects and activity of the autonomous control contour.

Keywords: heart rate, heart rate variability, autonomic nervous system, emotions, adaptation to physical loads, primary schoolchildren.


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