Psychomotor and speed qualities and mindsets cultivation in junior judokas for competitive progress



PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
Master student K.A. Kabanova1
T.N. Lugovskikh2
1Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU), Moscow,
2Sambo-70 sports and education complex MCDPCS, Moscow

Objective of the study was to rate benefits of the junior judokas’ psychomotor and speed qualities and mindsets cultivation model for their competitive progress. Applied for the study purposes were the educational process monitoring, interviews, tests and comparative analyses to find the demand for and benefits of the model designed to build up the complex motor response rates; choice response rate; fast thinking abilities and competitive agility; competitive tactics customizing ability; cultivate due receptive response strategy; counterattacking tactics; versatility of situation-specific responses; creative thinking; offense and defense skills and tempo; tolerance to external pressures/ distractors; and tactics imposing skills in different weight classes of junior judo. The study analyzes the most efficient coaching models to develop the above qualities and skills; and rates weight factors of the complex motor response elements and competitive tactics management abilities critical for competitive progress and success. A cluster analysis under the study made it possible to rate the contributions of the high-speed elements and competitive bout control versatility factors, with the following correlated factors: double correlation of weight categories versus numbers of competitions; and triple correlation of competitive tactics management skills, technical versatility rate and counterattacking tactics demonstration skills.

Keywords: junior judokas, weight classes, factors of competitive progress, psychomotor abilities, speed characteristics of thinking, training, educational approaches.


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