Students’ motivations for sports and physical activity in Russia versus the US



PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Karpushko1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Vlasov1
Master student M.A. Ezhkina1
1Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

The study analyzes motivations and predispositions for sports and other physical activity in the Vladimir State University students versus those in Illinois University (the US), with a special emphasis on the following: similarities and differences in the individual predispositions of the university student populations; mechanisms to motivate students for a creative health activity and physical self-perfection; ways to make them accept the physical education values and recognize the role of physical culture and sports as the key elements of their professional fitness for the educational service. The research methods included questionnaire survey, interviews, comparative analysis and reviews of the literature and other study documents on the subject. The questionnaire survey and interviews were completed in May 2016 at the Physical Education and Sports Institute and Pedagogical Institute of Vladimir State University; and in January 2017 at the Kinesiology and Recreation Institute of Illinois University and General Education Institute. Subject to the study were 198 students including 100 Vladimir State University students and 98 Illinois University students; with every student attributed to the basic health group.

Keywords: students, health, value orientations, social factors, motivation, sports, motor activity.


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