Physical education tools to improve adaptive capability and prevent venous insufficiency in northern university students


PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Pavlovskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Povzun1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Apokin1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to rate adaptive capability variations in the northern medical university students to detect, at least indirectly, their proneness to venous insufficiency, with a special attention given to the female subgroup. Subject to the adaptive capability and functionality tests were the second-year Medical Institute of Surgut State University students (n=123) of the same age and both genders tested free of clinical symptoms of a venous insufficiency. The sample was tested during the autumn semester to obtain the somatic data and anthropometric characteristicss and compute the physiological rates to obtain the bodily adaptive capability and functionality rates. We believe that such examinations and tests make it possible to detect, at early stages when no clinical symptoms may be found, the potential adaptive capability and functionality disorders and take timely actions to offset the negative ecological and lifestyle-related effects to prevent such disorders and future pathologies; with the key role in such actions played by the relevant physical education tools.

Keywords: adaptive capabilities, venous insufficiency, cardiorespiratory system, health in the North, educational environment, physical education.


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