Middle-distance runners’ skill-specific functionality profiling study



PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Krivoruchenko1
P.I. Yakovlev2
M.V. Petrov2
M.G. Artamonova2
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
2Yakut State Agricultural Academy, Yakutsk

The study profiles the middle-distance runners’ skill-specific functionality by the heart rate variability rates with a factor analysis. Selected for the study purposes were the following factors of different physiological effects: initial autonomic balance; sympathetic effects; vagal effects; humoral-metabolic effects; total neurohumoral controls; and unstable conditions. The combination and specific gravities of the factors were found skills-specific. The functionality tests of the sample groups showed dominance of the following factors in the following skill classes: initial autonomic balance (49%) in Class II; and total neurohumoral controls after physical loads in Class I and CMS (42% and 48%, respectively). Findings of the factor analysis show that the heart rate variability indices shall be taken into account in the prospects’ selection process and competitive progress forecasts in the training progress tests and analyses.

Keywords: track and field athletics, middle-distance running, functional condition, heart rate variability.


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