Key differences in combat tactics, action triggers and self-commands in taekwondo and boxing



PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Malkov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Romashov1
1Russian State University of Justice (RPUJ), Moscow

Timing of tactical actions in combat sports largely depends on individual attack timing skills. The timing skills may be classified as follows: the trigger moment detection and initiation components; willpower release form i.e. self-command or counteraction. The article analyzes the mental control mechanisms in charge of the action triggers and self-commands depending on the mental processes associated with the actions. The relevant psychomotor responses may be classified versus athletes’ fitness rates, with the key role played by the anticipation skills and their harmony with the other relevant mental processes for success of the action triggers and self-commands upon the trigger signal/ pre-signal is perceived in the bout. Good understanding of own response control logics in the bouts enables an athlete to mobilize the relevant self-command, trigger signal anticipation and response mechanisms as dictated by the fight situation. The timing skill analysis and logics may be beneficial for the training and educational process design and management in the combat sport disciplines.

Keywords: timing tactics, reaction time, self-command, trigger signal perception, trigger moment anticipation, prestart readiness, combat missions, ideomotor reaction, volitional action trigger, blows in boxing, blows in taekwondo.


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