Additional education to find sports talents


Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: additional education, gifted youth.

The valid national education policies give a high priority to modern school physical education models albeit it should be confessed that the standard school curricula are not always efficient and effective enough for the ambitious health improvement, physical progress and healthy lifestyle cultivation goals. This is the reason why the advanced athletic training service models are considered so important nowadays. Modern sport club may be viewed among the most promising models for cultivation of habitual sports in children, adolescent and youth groups, conditional on the club giving a due priority to children’s systemic physical trainings and sports under control of the host educational establishments, with every opportunity for further progress in sports given to the most gifted prospects. In addition, the sport club activity is an excellent school of communication, friendship, teamwork and tolerance for young people. It is common knowledge that the sport club activity provides every opportunity to cater for the needs and interests of junior athletes with efficient contributions from and under control of their families and instructors [2]. Sport club activity is normally designed on a self-management basis, with optional sports for the trainees, customizable training programs, and due provisions including sport signage, equipment, garments etc. to offer the most creative and facilitating environment for the trainees’ progress.

As demonstrated by the foreign school sport club activity, this training format may be very productive and efficient. In the US, for instance, there are more than 25 thousand school clubs that largely sponsor the school sport curricula. The Youth of Finland Academy gives every opportunity for the young people’s progress in sports and many other sectors. Foreign sport experts believe that the school club activity facilitates the free self-expression of young athletes with a special emphasis on their individual predispositions and gifts and encourages their socializing processes.

National experience of the youth sport club activity is same productive as demonstrated by a variety of sport club projects including Golden Puck, Leather Ball, Neptune and many other national initiatives. Lately the national sport communities have piloted a few new sport club models, including, for example Dobrynya Nikitich Club. The club activity concepts and the members’ rights and obligations are simple and democratic. The club model implies that the club may be established on the initiative of a school community, teachers and administration. The club statute requires that the club members shall be honest, fair, patriotic and physically fit for the entrance tests.

It should be noted that there are other advanced physical education models apart from the sport club [1]. Practical experience accumulated by the Success Academy Republican Research Education Center in Saransk may be considered one more option of the advanced training service for the gifted youth. One of the priority policies of the Center is to contribute to the national sport reserve training in martial arts and track and field and support the general school physical education curricula in compliance with the Federal Sport Training Standards. One of the key institutional and educational provisions for the sport reserve training service provided by the Success Academy REC is the selection of gifted junior prospects for the special research training shifts. Gifted trainees for the special research training shifts are selected based on recommendations from the Children and Youth Sport School instructors conditional on their good progress in the relevant sport disciplines, with the junior winners and runner-ups of municipal, regional, national and international competitions qualified for promotion beyond the contest.

The practical experience of the Success Academy REC shows that the sport reserve training may be highly efficient conditional on the following institutional and educational provisions:

  • Junior gifted prospects are selected for promotion and advanced trainings in the special research training shifts;
  • Special advanced educational programs for the special research training shifts;
  • Sound programmatic and practical basis for the training process to be designed and managed most efficiently;
  • Modern sport infrastructure for trainings and progress;
  • Highly knowledgeable and skillful instruction personnel for the advanced training service; and
  • Due follow-up (post-training) service to the prospects, including qualifications for the Olympics and top-ranking competitions; courses sponsored by the Junior School Academy; records of individual sport accomplishments; support of university entrants from among the prospects etc.
  • The advanced athletic training models may be successful only when the education specialists are highly creative and open-minded to effectively encourage the children’s progress on an individualized basis and offer them a variety of progress options. Such a training service shall be designed to secure an inflow of the new-generation creative and highly patriotic human resource for the progress of the Motherland.


  1. Latypov I.K. K voprosu razrabotki kontseptsii respublikanskoy obscheobrazovatelnoy shkoly-internat dlya sportivnoodarennykh detey [Concept of republican comprehensive boarding school for children with sport endowments: development issues]. Fizichskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka, 2016, no. 2, pp. 13–15.
  2. Lubysheva L.I., Zagrevskaya A.I., Peredelskiy A.A. et al. Sportizatsiya v sisteme fizicheskogo vospitaniya: ot nauchnoy idei k innovatsionnoy praktike [Sportization in physical education system: from scientific idea to innovative practice]. Moscow: Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury i sporta publ., 2017, 200 p.

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Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the advanced athletic training service in the national educational system. We believe that a sport club may be viewed among the most promising models for cultivation of habitual sports in children, adolescent and youth groups, conditional on the club giving a high priority to children’s systemic physical trainings and sports under control of the host educational establishments, with every opportunity for further progress in sports given to the most gifted prospects. Sport club activity shall be designed on a self-management basis, with a good choice of sports for the trainees, customizable training programs, and sound provisions including the sport signage, equipment, garments etc. to establish the most creative and facilitating environment for the trainees’ progress. Club activity concepts and the members’ rights and obligations shall be as simple and democratic as possible. Club may be established on the initiative of the school community, teachers and administration. Practical experience accumulated by the Success Academy Republican Research Education Center in Saransk is considered herein as one more option of the advanced training service for the gifted youth.