Mobilizing general cultural resource of academic physical education for progress in self-learning



PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Gladysheva1
A.A. Gladyshev1
E.V. Pilyugina1
1Novosibirsk State Agricultural University

Keywords: physical education, federal state educational standard, general cultural competence, universal competence.

Background. As provided by the valid Federal State Education Standard 3+, the physical education and sport (PES) service comprises an indispensable component of the students’ general culture and knowledgebase development process due to its “powerful cultural resource for the young people’s spiritual values and priority behavioral models formation process” [2]. The key mission of the valid FSES for the academic and secondary educational systems is to both give students knowledge and competences and develop their learning and knowledge mining skills.

Educational process survey of the academic physical education service has revealed the worrying trend of the students’ general knowledge and competences being on the fall with the students tested generally unprepared for self-reliant learning and little if any aware of the self-reliant physical education models and tools, healthy lifestyles and the potential resource of the modern PES service for the individual health and development agenda, with this unpreparedness largely restraining the efforts to build up the required competences.

Objective of the study was to improve the students’ self-learning abilities by mobilizing the general cultural resource of the academic physical education curriculum.

Methods and structure of the study. The educational process survey for the purposes of the study was performed at Novosibirsk Agricultural University (2016-2018); Nizhnevartovsk State University (2012-2014); Irkutsk National Technical Research University (2010-2018); and Siberian State Transport University (2012). The study was designed in an open monographic format.

Study results and discussion. The educational process survey data showed the students’ self-learning abilities and competences being largely poor. The first-year students were found unable to distinguish between abstract, report, essay and compilation, with only 20% of the sample found capable of making an abstract as required after they were familiarized with the requirements to demonstrate their text processing and thinking abilities. Verbal reports found most of the students virtually unable to verbalize their thoughts in a logical manner; and the clarification questions revealed their poor knowledge. For example, 65% of the sample failed to specify components of a daily regime. Furthermore, the survey rated poor their knowledge of national history both in the physical education and Olympic movement domains. The rate of the right questions reached 60% only after a special additional discussion.

The students’ knowledge of the mission, goals and content of industrial gymnastics was found even poorer. The correspondence course students employed in different sectors were sampled for the survey. Of 227 respondents, only 10% (mostly working by the computer) were found somewhat aware of the active rest breaks and their design; 15% reported their employers forbidding them to distract from business for job-unrelated needs; 40% were unaware but interested in the active rest break procedures and design; 20% were disinterested or doubtful about acceptability of industrial gymnastics at their jobs; and 15% showed some creativity and interest in the information on the subject.

A primary survey of the healthy lifestyles (HLS) knowledge basics found the sample being fully (100%) aware of the bad habits harmful for a healthy lifestyle. In the balanced nutrition knowledge domain, 95% of the respondents demonstrated basic knowledge of the healthy compositions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and water regimen, and uncertainty in other aspects of healthy diets. The sample was found aware of the role of PES activity in HLS albeit only 15% of the sample could give the right responses on the modern PES models. The sample was found almost fully unaware (98%) of the role of stable mental/ emotional status in HLS. Survey showed 100% of the sample aware of the hygienic basics. In the body tempering domain, 75% of the sample was found aware of the key body tempering tools albeit only 25% of the sample could outline the specific body tempering methods and procedures.

It should be emphasized that the surveys for the last few years have demonstrated a constant decline – down to 25% as of today – in the first-year students’ self-learning and progress motivations and abilities.

The survey data give reasons to state that due provisions shall be put in place to facilitate the general cultural competences and professionally valuable qualities and abilities formation process with a special priority to the individual resource mobilizing efforts including a variety of class and off-class self-reliant learning models and tools geared to cultivate due motivations for and priorities in the professional service domain and academic leaning process [1].

The valid FSES 3++ requires universal competency in the self-management, self-development and health domain being formed in every academic speciality and profile, including “the ability to keep fit for the fully-fledged social contribution and professional service”.

Therefore, the existing concepts of the academic theoretical and practical studies need to be revised to give a higher priority to the educational technologies, methods and tools cultivating the self-learning, data processing and analytical abilities and skills – for the students to be able to build up their knowledgebase and efficiently apply their knowledge in practice. Self-learning agendas in the practical studies shall be driven by the self-identification in the elective academic PES domain and due individual responsibility for own choice.

Conclusion. The individual self-learning capacities and abilities within the students’ self-developmental agendas are critical for the academic progress in the physical education and sports and success in the efforts to build up due competency in the physical fitness and health aspects for the professional service quality. The basic physical education curricula need to be creatively modified to counter the negative trend in the self-learning abilities and skills of the university entrants and facilitate their progress in the elective academic PES disciplines.


  1. Lubysheva L.I., Zagrevskaya A.I., Peredelskiy A.A. et al. Sportizatsiya v sisteme fizicheskogo vospitaniya: ot nauchnoy idei k innovatsionnoy praktike [Sportization in physical education system: from scientific idea to innovative practice]. Moscow: Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury i sporta publ., 2017, 200 p.
  2. Manzheley I.V., Chernyakova S.N. Formirovanie fizkulturnykh kompetentsiy u bakalavrov v obrazovatelnoy srede vuza [Building physical education competences in bachelors in academic educational environment]. Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pedagogika. Psikhologiya, 2014, no. 9, pp. 78-91.

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Objective of the study was to improve the students’ self-learning abilities by mobilizing the general cultural resource of the academic physical education curriculum. The study was performed at Novosibirsk Agricultural University (2016-2018); Nizhnevartovsk State University (2012-2014); Irkutsk National Technical Research University; and Siberian State Transport University. We applied a set of theoretical knowledge tests to rate the students’ ability to apply the most relevant data collection and generalizing methods and tools; interpret the data and make interim findings; answer different questions; summarize the data and make conclusions; and help them self-rate their progress. We also applied a set of practical tests to rate the students’ knowledge of the modern physical education terminology, methods, tools and healthy lifestyles; their ability to analyze the available information and make adjustments to the training process when necessary. Based on the study data, we offered a frame physical education course to secure better progress in the elective academic disciplines.