Somatotype-specific combat skills building model for military cadets



PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Zebzeev1
Postgraduate E.V. Koshkin2
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Perm

Keywords: combat skills, individualized typological approach, professional skills, crime control and penal systems.

Background. The job responsibilities of the human resource in the national crime control and penal system set high standards for the specialist education service system for the Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS) of Russia, with the education quality expected to improve in many aspects including combat skills of the trainees. The training quality is further necessitated by the recent adjustments to the legal provisions of the Russian Federation with concern to the sentences for serious and most serious crimes. As a result the inflow of inmates in the penitentiary system institutions has increased with the relevant growth of demand for the trained warden service personnel.

In the present situation of the system, the future personnel for the national penal system shall be well trained to effectively counter wrongful actions of the inmates. From the practical and professional viewpoint, a special priority in the combat skills training process shall be given to the relevant fight techniques and self-defense skills of the penitentiary service cadets [1-8].

Objective of the study was to develop a somatotype-specific combat skills training model for the law enforcement and penitentiary service personnel training system.

Methods and structure of the study. The model piloting experiment was run at Perm Institute of the Federal Penal System (FPS) of Russia in September 2016 through August 2017. Sampled for the experiment were the fourth-year non-sporting cadets (n=96).

Study findings and discussion. For the purposes of the study, the sample was grouped by the body build types (micro-, meso- and macro-somatotypes) with a special priority to the body dimensions as provided by R.N. Dorokhov, V.P. Guba and V.G. Petrukhin classification [2]. The grouping exercise was followed by a factorial analysis to design the body-type-specific individualized physical training and combat skills mastering practices for the cadets.

The study data show that the micro-somatotype is well predisposed and gifted for combat skills, particularly in the situations that require motor coordination and speed qualities rather than high strength. The meso-somatotype was found to generally have a high professional resource in the situations that require good speed-strength qualities and endurance. And the macro-somatic type was found highly resourceful in the combat and self-defense situations that require good strength qualities albeit less successful in the speed- and motor-coordination-intensive combat situations versus other somatotypes. These prior test data demonstrate the need for the somatotype-specific combat skills building training service for the cadets.

The experimental somatotype-specific combat skills building model described herein implies the sequence of actions to: (1) group the trainees by the somatic types; (2) make a comparative analysis of the primary fitness rates of the somatic groups; (3) individualize the training model for the somatic groups; (4) set the training process goals and missions for the somatic groups; (5) work out a master plan for the group trainings; (6) further customize the training process for the somatic groups with account of the individual needs, gifts and predispositions; (7) design the group training programs to help the cadets master the somatotype-specific self-defense and combat techniques; (8) run the experimental training programs in the somatic groups; (9) test progress of the somatic groups on the run to make timely corrections when necessary.

One of the key aspects of the experimental somatotype-specific combat skills building model is that it is readily customizable to every somatic group. The micro-somatic group trainings, for instance, are designed to give a high priority to the special motor coordination and speed qualities and abilities; improve the throw techniques dominated by the motor-coordination-intensive skills (leg trips, back heels etc.); master the short-distance kicking and punching skills; make a special emphasis on special endurance, specific speed-strength and strength qualities; excel the speed-strength-intensive (body-lock throws, back throws, leg trips) and strength-intensive (thigh-trips, rotations, under hooks etc.) throw techniques; and excel the middle- and long-distance kicking and punching techniques.

The meso-somatic groups are recommended to give a special priority to the special endurance and speed-strength building practices; excel the speed-strength-intensive throw techniques; master the middle-distance kicking and punching skills; focus on special motor coordination, speed and strength qualities and abilities; train motor coordination and strength intensive throws; and excel middle- and long-distance kicking and punching techniques.

The macro-somatic groups are recommended to give a special priority to the special strength intensive skills; improve mostly the strength throw skills, short-distance kicking and punching skills; focus on special endurance, motor coordination, speed-strength and speed qualities and abilities; advance individual motor-coordination- and speed-strength-intensive throw skills; and improve the middle- and long-distance kicking and punching techniques.

Conclusion. The experimental somatotype-specific combat skills and physical fitness building model was implemented in the educational curriculum of Perm Institute of the Federal Penal System (FPS) of Russia and proved beneficial for somatic group trainings.


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The article analyzes benefits of an experimental somatotype-specific combat skills building model for penitentiary service cadets. The new model was developed based on the individualized categorical concept that implies the training process being customized for different body types (micro-, meso- and macro-somatic) with their natural predispositions to specific combat missions and skills. The experimental somatic-type-specific combat skills building model was basically designed to offer individualized somatic-group-specific special physical fitness, wrestling, punching and kicking skills mastering methods with special technical skills building exercises. The somatotype-specific training missions are designed to advance the individual physical qualities, throw and punching techniques with a special emphasis on the still deficient aspects of the individual fitness – so as to secure universal proficiency in the combat skills required for success in combat missions and encounters with offenders.