Testing competency of future physical education teachers for school physical training and health service



PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Tatyanina1
E.N. Ivanova1
Postgraduate A.A. Ozerov1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev, Saransk


Keywords: tests, physical education and health service, competency for school physical education and health service, rated competency for school physical education and health service.


Background. Presently both the national society and universities are increasingly demanding to the quality of the physical education and health service at schools and, hence, the relevant education specialist competency. The modern social demand implies that the education specialist gives a high priority to the professional service quality improvements including those in the physical education and health service domains. It means that the education staff shall be highly knowledgeable and skillful to mobilize every resource for the students’ progress in sporting culture, safe and healthy lifestyles [5].

The available research and analytical literature with concern to the physical education service provided by a pedagogical university (V.K. Bal’sevich, M.Y. Vilenskiy, V.M. Vydrin, B.S. Gershunskiy, B.F. Lomov, L.I. Lubysheva, V.I. Stolyarov et al) is mostly focused on the physical education specialist training service. As things now stand, however, a growing priority is being given to the quality of the non-core academic physical education service with a special emphasis on the health-building and sportizated (sports-centered) education components (Y.D. Zheleznyak, V.I. Zagvyazinskiy, A.V. Leif, L.I. Lubysheva et al). This new research thrust is geared to complement the well-known and undoubtedly important study reports by A.M. Voronova, Y.G. Gorbachev, A.P. Grishin, O.I. Dranyuk and E.N. Medvedeva analyzing different aspects of the future education specialist competency for the high-quality physical education and health service.

The modern physical education and health service shall furnish students with competences and skills in physical training, health, bodily tempering and disease prevention domains. The higher is the professional competency for the service, the higher is the progress in the modern social projects to facilitate the creative physical education and health initiatives in the popular Sports for All format [3].

The practical experience of the universities taking the lead in the efforts to transform the motivations, values, priorities and popular attitudes in the school physical education and health service is particularly valuable in this context [2, 4, 7]. A special priority in the service shall be given to the systemic design and management models geared to attain the desired benefits and cultivate conscientious and positive intellectual, emotional, social and physical health agendas with every health component viewed as a superior spiritual, ethical and social value forming a basis for cognitive, operational and reflective experiences of future education specialists [4].

Objective of the study was to rate the basic/ primary competency of the future education specialists for the school physical education and health service.

Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was run at Mordovian State Pedagogic Institute (MSPI) named after M.Y. Evseviev, Secondary Special Education School #24 and Secondary General Education School #28 in Saransk. Sampled for the study were the 1-4-year students (n=120) majoring in Foreign Language: English, Foreign Language: German and Russian Language: Literature specialties under the academic Pedagogical Education discipline, with expert service in the experiment provided by the MSPI Pedagogic Department staff members.

The Experimental Group (EG) and Reference Group (RG) competency for the physical education and health service was rated in the values-and-semantic, needs-and-motivational and performance-and-reflective domains by the relevant criteria, with the sample competency rates grouped with low, moderate and high levels.

The test toolkit applied for the study purposes was selected on the assumption that the education specialist competency for the physical education and health service shall be interpreted as the personality qualities and competences in own/ trainees’ health protection and improvement domain with the practical skills for the experience being most efficiently mobilized. The test toolkit included: the Personality Professional Competency Tests by L.N. Kabardova, Y.A. Korelyakov, Y.P. Ilyin and Y.I. Rogov; Future Education Specialist’s Value Orientations Survey by M.S. Gutkina, M. Rokeach, T.I. Shalavina and S.N. Chistyakova; and Motivations and Needs Tests by V.E. Milman, M.Y. Orlov and O.F. Potemkina. In addition, the subjects’ creativity was tested by the educational process design essays, individual learning trajectories and career-gram designs.

The methods applied for the study purposes were also content analysis, observation, questionnaire surveys, interviews etc. The study data and analyses gave grounds for the following findings. The subgroups with low competency for the school physical education and sport service were tested to account for 50% and 51.61% in the EG and RG, respectively. More specifically, the low-competent subgroups were tested with indifference to and reluctance in the school physical education and sport service basics learning process – for the reason that it is not their core vocational field, as they reported. They were tested with rather fragmentary knowledge in the field and inconsistent understanding of the school service essence, models and technologies applicable in the school physical education and sport service.

The moderately competent subgroups were tested to account for 29.03% and 32.26% in the EG and RG, respectively. The moderate competency means that the subgroups were tested with some vocational determination, awareness, interest in and preparedness for the school physical education and sport service projects. On the negative side, they were tested with still low initiative; poor ability to select and compose the most efficient school physical education and sport service models and technologies for success; and preferred to work under guidance i.e. had low creativity and determination.

The highly competent subgroups were tested to account for 17.74% and 19.36% in the EG and RG, respectively. The high competency means that the subgroups were tested with the expressed values-and-semantics driven appreciation of health as a source of high working capacity, positive emotions and stamina. Furthermore, these subgroups were tested highly competent for designing the school physical education and sport service process with application of the most efficient models and technologies for success; and focused on the personality and professional progress in the school physical education and sport service.

Study findings and discussion. It was found that it is important to make an emphasis both on the external (objective) and internal (related to individual motivations, values and priorities) provisions for success – to create a facilitating physical education and sport environment and help shape up the students’ motivations for and values in the physical education and sport activity with relevant cognitive, operational and reflective experiences. The education facilitating provisions should help the students majoring in the non-core disciplines realize the benefits of the physical education and sports activity, master the relevant knowledge and skills in the school physical education and sport process design, content, models and technologies to effectively contribute to school physical education and sport projects.

The experimental and competency building stage of the experimental study made it possible to implement the relevant research initiatives under the Health Teacher Project geared to cultivate the due values and priorities in the future education specialists not majoring in sports to help them master the modern school physical education and sport design, content, models and technologies [6].

Conclusion. The study was designed to analyze the ways to train the education specialists highly competent both for their vocational service and for students’ health improvement missions, with a special emphasis made on the humanistic-values-prioritizing specialist training aspects in their academic training process for the school physical education and sport service.  



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  4. Professionalny standart «Pedagog (Pedagogicheskaya deyatelnost v doshkolnom, nachalnom obschem, osnovnom obschem, srednem obschem obrazovanii) (Vospitatel, Uchitel)» (Prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsialnoy zaschity RF ot 18 oktyabrya 2013 # 544n [Professional standard "Teacher (Teaching activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (Educator, Teacher)" [Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation October 18, 2013 No. 544n]. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/professionalnyy-standart-pedagog-pedagogicheskaya-deyatelnost-v-doshkolnom-nachalnom-obschem-osnovnom-obschem-srednem-obschem

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Corresponding author: t_i_shukshina@mordgpi.ru



Presently both the national society and universities are increasingly demanding to the quality of the school physical education and health service and, hence, the relevant education specialist competency. Modern schools are in need of highly skilled and knowledgeable physical education specialists capable of indoctrinating and activating schoolchildren to promote modern physical education with the relevant humanistic values and facilitate the health improvement and personality development process. These ambitious polices require the academic training of future specialists not majoring in sports being improved to secure their competency for the school physical education and health service including relevant program content, models, methods and technologies for productive interaction with the trainees in the popular Sports for All format.

The competency building process shall be facilitated, among other things, by the relevant progress tests to rate competency of future education specialists for the school physical education and health service. The progress tests give the means to find and implement the most effective educational models, tools and designs to produce a high-quality education specialist for the modern school physical education and health service. The article analyzes practical tests with their content, procedures and output data to rate competency of future education specialists for the school physical education and health service.