Systemic synergic approach to design individual progress trajectories in adaptive taekwondo


PhD, Professor V.A. Vishnevsky
Surgut State University, Surgut


Keywords: taekwondo, individual training trajectory, theories of chaos and synergy.

Background. The disabled people’s training process may be described as an open self-management system with its complexity, openness, exposure to internal and external impacts, non-linear progress and qualitative changes, stochastic nature, imbalance and dissipation. The individual training trajectory design process is normally driven by an analytical approach with every aspect of the athletic training being thoroughly analyzed [2, 4-6]. Most challenging in this process are the fitness tests to arrive to an integrated fitness rate – for the reason that they shall be regulated by some definite rule forming a basis for any classification. The relevant solutions may be offered conditional on an interdisciplinary approach and adequate methodology being applied to mobilize and synthesize different knowledge fields. It has been traditional for the last few decades to make resort to a systemic approach and theory of chaos and synergy to develop such generalizing theoretical concepts.

Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical basis for the individual progress trajectory design model applicable in adaptive taekwondo, based on the competitive performance analysis driven by the theory of chaos and synergy.

Study findings and discussion. The theory of chaos and synergy provides a toolkit to factor in the real variability of a complex biosocial dynamic system; and, when the relevant qualities may be quantified and accounted, the athletic training and rehabilitation process may be effectively and reasonably individualized [3]. In terms of the synergy-prioritizing concept, an athlete’s training progress may be described by the status attractors at every its stage, with each of the statuses characterized by the relevant vectors to form an actual multidimensional phase space where each fitness rating stage may be described by the relevant status attractor. This approach gives the means to find the dimensions (volume) of each attractor on the phase plate or in the multidimensional phase space. The attractor has a so-called statistical center and a geometric center. Both of the centers may coincide when the phase space is totally symmetric in the phase coordinate system. When their positional difference equals zero, the central point of attractor may be considered asymmetrical. This factor may be described as a criterion to assess the differences of the stochastic and chaotic processes within the multidimensional phase space.

As far as the integral athletic fitness rate calculation is concerned, it is critically important to find a set of relevant critical variables (phase space coordinates) to adequately characterize it. In this domain we were governed by the valid concept of the integrated progress tests in sports [4, 5]. As provided by Professor V.N. Platonov, “… for the athletic training process to be efficiently managed… it should set specific goals with the goals-attaining processes, conditional on the management process missions being clearly specified. This is the way to have all the process elements being duly connected both in the structural and functional domains” [5, p. 421]. It is the competitive performance that may be considered a client in this context [1] and, hence, an individual athletic progress may be rated by a competitive performance analysis as demonstrated in the S.V. Pavlov’s dissertation taking taekwondo for the case study [4]. The individual athletic progress tests include the following elements: health and key body systems functionalities rating tests; general/ special physical fitness rating tests; technical skills rating tests; tactical skills rating tests; and mental fitness rating tests.

Since in modern adaptive sports a top priority is being given to the health rehabilitation goals, we believe that it may be beneficial to rate, among the other disabled athlete’s health rates, what may be called the individual pathology exposure (in its biological, personality and socializing domains), plus the rehabilitative potential (in its bio-medical, psychophysical, personality, educational, social communication, accommodation and socio-environmental domains) supported by a rehabilitation process forecast.

Special strength rate of a taekwondo competitor was computed as a ratio of competitive power strikes (kicks and punches) scored by the referees to total strikes on target. Special endurance rate was computed as a ratio of third-round efficiency rate to bout efficiency rate. Special flexibility rate was computed as a ratio of high (head and top-of-the chest) strikes to total strikes. Competitive coordination ability rate was computed as half-sum of the accuracy ratio (strikes on target to total strikes) and complex coordination technique ratio (the number of multi-strike versatile attack/ defense actions to total technical actions). General physical fitness rate was computed as the mean arithmetic value of the above summarized physical fitness rates.

Scope of technical actions was computed by summarizing the striking effectiveness ratio (the number of strikes per bout to bout time) and footwork effectiveness ratio (the number of footwork actions [steps] per bout to bout time). Technical versatility rate was computed as a ratio of the total technical actions in the competitive bouts to the number of technical actions mastered by the athlete at specific training stage. Technical efficiency rate was computed as an mean arithmetic value of the following summarized values: attack success ratio (the number of target strikes to total strikes); defense success ratio (fended off opponent’s strikes to total opponents’ strikes); combat success ratio (mean arithmetic value of summarized attack and defense actions); and competitive success ratio (the number of strikes scored by the referees [i.e. total points scored] to total strikes on target). The above specific technical performance rates were summarized to compute an individual technical skills rate.

Scope of tactical actions was computed as a ratio of total tactical actions per bout to bout time. Tactical actions versatility rate was computed as a ratio of total tactical actions in competitive bouts to the number of tactical actions mastered by the athlete at a specific training stage. The competitive tactics compliance ratio was computed as an actual number of tactical actions per bout to the number of tactical actions planned for the bout. Competitive tactics versatility ratio was computed as the number of tactical actions actually adapted to the bout situations to the number of tactical actions the athlete was to adapt according to the fight plan. The situation-dictated tactics ratio was computed as an actual number of individual tactical actions in a bout to the number of tactical actions planned for the bout. Preparatory tactics ratio was computed as a number of actual preparatory tactical actions in a bout to the number of tactical actions planned for the bout. The above specific tactical performance rates were summarized to compute an individual tactical skills rate.

Emotional balance rate under pressure was computed as a ratio of adequately responded extreme situations to the total number of the latter per bout. Competitive willpower rate was computed as a ratio of actual cases of expressed willpower to the total number of situations that required willpower for response. Competitive courage rate was computed as a ratio of actual cases of expressed courage to the total number of situations that required courage of response. Total mental fitness rate was computed as an mean arithmetic value of the above summarized (emotional balance, willpower and courage) rates.

Leadership qualities rate including the must-win motivations for a bout was computed as a ratio of the number of attacks on the athlete’s initiative to the total number of attacks per bout. Competitive stress tolerance rate was computed as a ratio of the total technical plus tactical actions per bout to the bout time. Competitive mobilization rate (the ability to make one’s best in competitions) was computed as a ratio of the mean arithmetic competitive success rates per year to the competitive success rate in the top-ranking events.

On the whole, trainings to attain the desired physical and mental fitness imply a sequence of qualitative transitions (or phase transitions) in the bodily and personality domains. When the external conditions are volatile enough, it is not always possible to prescribe a strict individual progress trajectory on the way to the goal – that means that the trajectory needs to be constantly adjusted in the process. In case of an adaptive training, the situation is further complicated by the fact that the range of training progress options for a disabled athlete is very wide – since some of them may keep almost abreast with their healthy peers whilst the others require special individual training programs customized to the individual limitations and resources. In addition, every training process is specific due to the actual dynamic and often unique conditions – and, hence, the process should be designed to stimulate the progress of the evolving individual system rather than to strictly manage this progress. Therefore, the synergy-prioritizing concept implies that every evolving individual system may take one of the multiple potential alternatives in the training process for success. When the individual athletic progress trajectory cannot be strictly designed and managed, the designer should only set a frame for the process vector and flow to guide the system behaviour on the whole.

Conclusion. The synergy-prioritizing concept makes it possible to identify the system parameters i.e. set the most important parameters/ variables by two data arrays being compared. The methodology is based on the volume of attractor in the phase space being identified – first for some data cluster (at the initial training stage) and then for the next one (at the next training stage). Then the calculation excludes one by one some components/ variables of the status vector, with the parameters of attractors being analyzed to trace variations in parameters of every attractor after the exclusion. The stronger is the effect of some excluded variable on the volume of attractor, the more critical is the variable. Thus this variable becomes a center of the pattern largely determining the system behaviour on the whole. That is how this concept may be applied for the athletic training process design and management missions.



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The study offers an individual progress trajectory design model applicable in adaptive taekwondo, with the model developed based on the competitive success rating criteria provided by the theories of chaos and synergy. The author demonstrates benefits of the synergic approach that gives the means to identify a degree of order for the system and find the most significant indices/ variables by comparisons of two data clusters. The methodology is based on the volume of attractor in the phase space being identified – first for some data cluster (at the initial training stage) and then for the next one (at the next training stage). Then the calculation excludes one by one some components/ variables of the status vector, with the parameters of attractors being analyzed to trace variations in parameters of every attractor after the exclusion. The stronger is the effect of some excluded variable on the volume of attractor, the more critical is the variable. Thus this variable becomes a center of the pattern largely determining the system behaviour on the whole. That is how this concept may be applied for the athletic training process design and management missions.