Online learning resource design and employment in academic physical education


S.I. Bochkareva1
T.P. Vysotskaya1
S.P. Golubnichiy1
N.E. Kopylova1
A.G. Rostevanov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study analyzes the notions and problems of the modern online learning resource (OLR) promotion process with a special focus on the OLR application in the physical education sector and the measures to improve the OLR standards. We believe that one of the promising ways to advance the modern online educational system is to standardize OLRs and locate them in a national repository to secure due standards and a harmonized online educational system for the country. A special priority in the efforts shall be given to the human resource quality for the educators being proficient enough in the database formation, application and update to maximize the OLR benefits in the educational process; with the educators’ enthusiasm, emotions and interest being viewed among the key drivers for the process success.

Keywords: physical education, online learning, online learning resource, distance educational technologies.


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