Postural control tools to prevent competitive musculoskeletal fatigue in junior rifle shooters



PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
V.V. Shilenok1
1Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU), Moscow

Objective of the study was to offer and substantiate a set of educational provisions for the performance and postural control balancing tools to control the key muscle groups in junior rifle shooters. Subject to the study were 13-15 year-old rifle shooters. Applied for the study purposes were the education process monitoring, questionnaire survey, interviews and medical record analyses to detect and analyze the musculoskeletal system imbalances due to the disharmonizing effects of prolonged competitive routines.
The study data and analyses found the statistically significant benefits of a set of special postural control tools designed to minimize the pain syndrome and musculoskeletal fatigue by the following: corrective shifts in the vertical projection of the main arm backward from the same-side hip joint projection; shifts of the main-arm shoulder joint towards the chin; backward shifts of the shoulder blade with the shoulder cross-line moved forward etc.
A factor analysis found the following key factors of influence: postural control correlation with muscular-group-specific fatigues; endurance as the key volitional factor for the competitive success that helps adolescents compete with a due fighting spirit focused on the individual tolerance to the muscular discomfort.
The imbalances detected by the education process tests demonstrated the need for the competitive performance standards of the junior rifle shooters to be corrected by a set of special physical tools geared to: strengthen the musculoskeletal system; correct the postural control standards by the relevant body conditioning tools; build due static-and-dynamic balancing skills and special strength abilities by weight flexion-extension/ shifting/ waving practices with ±3s time control in every version of the shooting posture.

Keywords: junior rifle shooters, musculoskeletal system, fatigue, shooting posture versions, correction.


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