Benefits of therapeutic swimming practices for senior people versus their life quality rates



PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Korichko1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to provide grounds for the health and life quality rating tests that may be applied to rate the physical and life-quality progress of senior people in the therapeutic swimming process. The study was performed at Nizhnevartovsk State University in September 2017 to February 2018 and designed to: analyze the available literature on the subject; run a SF-36 Questionnaire Survey to rate the life quality; rate the trainees’ physical fitness by the heart rate variability tests using the computerized Omega Test System; and process the test data by the standard mathematical processing tools (including the Student t-criterion, Mann-Whitney U-criterion and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient). Subject to the study were senior female trainees (n=35) split up into the following groups: Experimental Group (n=18 aged 62.8 years on average) trained by 40-minute therapeutic swimming sessions 3 times per week; and Reference Group (n=17 aged 63.2 years on average) of their non-sporting peers.
Reasonable physical activity is known to be critical for the senior people’s health, working ability and active lifestyle albeit the uncontrolled therapeutic swimming practices poorly customized to the actual physicality and life-quality related aspects (physical functionality, pains, overall health status etc.) may overstress and harm the cardiovascular system, adaptive capability to physical loads and, hence, fitness of the senior trainees. The study data and analyses underline the importance of the actual body status and life-quality aspects rating tests and analyses in the senior women therapeutic swimming practices.

Keywords: physical condition, Omega-S, autonomic regulation, therapeutic swimming practices.


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