Effects of dance-driven gymnastics practices on psychoemotional statuses of foreign female first-year students



PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Timofeeva1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Milashechkina1
Associate Professor A.D. Malchenko1
Associate Professor Е.А. Kunitsina1
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

The study profiles the psychoemotional statuses of the foreign female first-year students at Russian People’s Friendship University (RPFU). Today the RPFU student population is 30% foreign coming from 155 countries of origin. It is highly important for this student group to make success in the social adaptation and learning process with no detriment to health. As reported by some studies, modern dance-driven gymnastics practices in the emotionally uplifting environments may be of highly positive effect on the individuals exposed to new social environments and stressors, as verified by the growing interest in and satisfaction with the educational process. Applied in the dance-driven gymnastics training model under the study were the following tests: standard WAM (wellbeing, activity and mood) questionnaire survey method; and the state and trait anxiety test method. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the dance-driven gymnastics training model as verified by the significant progress of the foreign female students versus their Russian peers in the WAM tests; and the psychoemotional status improvements in both of the groups.

Keywords: female students, psychoemotional statuses, wellbeing, activity, mood, anxiety, dance-driven gymnastics.


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