Physical Education Department students' physical health tests


PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Tatiyanina1
E.N. Ivanova1
Postgraduate A.A. Ozerov1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev, Saransk

Presently both the national society and universities are increasingly demanding to the quality of the physical training and health service at schools and, hence, the relevant education specialist competencies. Modern schools are in need of highly skilled and knowledgeable physical education teachers capable of indoctrinating and activating schoolchildren to promote modern physical culture with the relevant humanistic values and facilitate the health improvement and personality development process. These ambitious polices require the academic training of the future non-physical education specialists being improved to secure their competencies for the school physical training and health service including the relevant program contents, models, methods and technologies for productive interaction with the trainees in the popular ‘Sports for All’ format.
The competency building process shall be facilitated, among other things, by the relevant progress tests to rate fitness of the future education specialists for the school physical training and health service. The progress tests give the means to find and implement the most effective education models, tools and designs to produce a high-quality education specialist for the modern school physical training and health service. The article analyzes practical tests with their contents, procedures and output data to rate competencies of the future education specialists for the school physical training and health service.

Keywords: diagnostics, physical education and health service, competency for school physical education and health service, rated fitness for school physical education and health service.


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