Cardiovascular system functionality specifics in situational sport disciplines



Postgraduate E.Z. Kharisova1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan

Objective of the study was to analyze the cardiovascular system functionality specifics in the 17-20 year-old badminton and tennis players. Subject to the study were 108 athletes of both sexes split up into 8 groups. The training load effects on the cardiovascular system functionality were rated by 3D-tests using Esteck System Complex Multiscan PRO certified by Certificate #ФСЗ 2009/04910 of August 10, 2009. The test was designed to obtain the bio-impedance rates on the feet and hands plus the data generated by a pulse oximeter (photoelectric plethysmograph). The athletes were tested at rest for 2 minutes in a sitting posture. Prior to the instrumental test, blood pressure, body length, body mass, waist and thigh circumferences were measured and fixed with the sport qualification in the individual records. The study data and analyses found the intergroup correlations in the cardiovascular system functionality rates as follows: the non-sporting female group showed similar correlations with the female tennis group composed of Candidate Masters of Sport; and every male group was specific in some aspects.

Keywords: cardiovascular system, badminton, tennis, 17-20 year-olds, correlation, Esteck System Complex Multiscan PRO.


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