Priority research thrusts in physical education, sport and tourism specialist training system informatization process



PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Fedorov1
Associate Professor R.V. Khomenko1
E.V. Antropova1
I.V. Safina1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

Keywords: educational system informatization, information and communication technologies, information educational environment, information exchange, promising research thrusts in educational system informatization.

Background. Presently the physical education system informatization initiatives are largely constrained by the following: need for the relevant theoretically grounded concepts and sector informatization programs; largely versatile, broad and indefinite professional responsibilities; professional responsibilities formalization process difficulties in the physical education, sport and tourism sector; still insufficient information culture of the sector human resource and, hence, unfitness of the sector specialists for the growing application of information and communication technologies in professional services [1, 5].

Objective of the study was to analyze the priority research thrusts in the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialist training system informatization process.

Study results and discussion. We would offer the following provisional categories of the research thrusts in the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialist training system informatization process.

1. Develop the relevant philosophical, socio-cultural, medical, social, and education psychology grounds for the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialist training system informatization process geared to establish a consistent informational education environment.

A special priority in the national education system informatizaiton process is presently given to the research education components to encourage a broader use of the modern digital and distant education technologies to establish mega-universities and distributed (networking) higher education establishments [4, p. 41].

2. Design and implement due information education environment in the sector to facilitate the consistent information educational space and subject-specific environments building efforts. In the physical education, sport and tourism sector, the initiative shall be geared to customize the available system informatization options to the specialist training system to broader apply the modern information and communication technologies in the educational service.

3. Train the education and management specialists to implement the information and communication technologies. This research thrust implies relevant HR training, advancement and retraining system being created to train human resource for the physical education, sport and tourism sector. Presently the athletic training systems, academic physical education and modern children and adolescent physical education models require highly intelligent, knowledgeable and skilled human resource on the whole and specialists proficient in the modern information and communication technologies in particular. A high priority in the research efforts should be given to the networking education, advanced training and retraining systems for the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialists.

4. Develop the education theory with account of the modern educational process informatization movement and rank it among the key research subjects to support the specialist educational system informatization projects. The research thrust is highly topical today as it is geared to respond to the progress needs of the modern communities (‘social order’) that require not only the highly competent specialists in a few narrow training fields but also socially sensitive and active contributors to the information-driven communal life highly proficient in the modern global communication networks and services [4]. It should be noted that currently the educational process informatization has come to the stage when the communication and information paradigm of the educational process is being revised with the student and educator freely and increasingly applying the digital education resources and relevant operational technologies [2-4].

5. Further intellectualize information systems and technologies in the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialist training process, with the intellectualizing efforts needed to be in more priority as they are now still at the early development stage in fact.

6. Advance the psychological education tools applied in the information education novelties including those in the health-sensitive initiatives viewed as one more promising research thrust that has been lately promoted and even included in the State Education Development Program of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and the Priority Research Projects of the Russian Education Academy supported by the grant projects and other financing from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Conclusion. The priority research thrusts highlighted by the study will be designed to encourage the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialist training system informatization process – which, in our opinion, is still problematic and challenging in many aspects and, hence, requires further research and solutions. The information culture and competency building efforts shall be in high priority in the physical education, sport and tourism sector specialist training system in the context of the ongoing educational system reforms and other innovative initiatives in the modern society.


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The study was designed to explore the national physical education, sports and tourism specialist training system informatization process. Analysis of the national and global practical experiences of the educational system informatization projects shows that efficient information and communication technologies heavily contribute to the education service accessibility and quality. As far as the national physical education, sports and tourism specialist training system is concerned, it should be noted that it still largely fails to employ the educational resource of the modern information and communication technologies. As things now stand, there is still a gap between the public need for the top-professional specialist proficient in the modern information and communication technologies and the existing educational system design and management process. The specialist educational system informatization process needs to be supported by sound theoretical provisions, and this is the reason why the subject to the study is so topical today.

The article considers the most critical problems of the educational system informatization projects in the context of the modern social development trends; analyzes the most promising research thrusts in the physical education, sports and tourism specialist training system informatization process; and demonstrates the importance of the focused research to facilitate the physical education, sports and tourism system informatization processes.