Elite dancers’ exposure to breathing rhythm disorders under competitive stress



Dr.Med., Professor N.N. Zakharyeva1
PhD, Professor E.N. Yashkina1
Master's student E.I. Maliyeva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to rate breathing rhythm disorders and variations in elite dancers under competitive stresses. Subject to the study were 47 dancers diagnosed with different breathing rhythm disorders due to the emotional surges in competitive routines. The dancers with most severe breathing rhythm disorders were tested with the postural and temporal response errors of the CNS in the time interval rating test; lower fatigue tolerance as verified by the URA test; lower balancing ability in the Romberg test; and the lower physical working capacity rates. The test data may shed light on the sudden competitive performance sagging effects and demonstrate the need in the dancers’ training systems being individualized with a special attention to the individuals most vulnerable to the breathing disorders.

Keywords: elite dancers, breathing rhythm disorder under competitive stress, reflective responses of central nervous system, balancing ability in Romberg test, physical working capacity, heart rate.


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