Continuity of physical education of youth in holistic educational process as a basis for healthy lifestyle in modern society



Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Kolesov1
PhD, Associate Professor А.N. Smolonskaya1
Postgraduate Т.V. Sedletskaya1
S.I. Smolonskiy2
1Luga Branch (Institute) of Pushkin Leningrad State University, Luga, Leningrad region
2Kostroma State University, Kostroma

Keywords: succession, healthy lifestyle, secondary general education, higher educational system, physical education.

Background. Social health and physical education related problems have been closely interconnected in the social consciousness and state policies in the history of the institutional development of the national civil society, with a special emphasis in the policies on physical education of young people as a group responsible for the future social progress.

Objective of the study was to consider the principle of succession in youth physical education within the integrated educational process to form a basis for the healthy lifestyle cultivation in the modern communities.

Study results and discussion. Succession may be interpreted as practical, general educational and didactic principle or logic and necessary precondition for the youth education and training process to be efficient [7]. In the efforts to establish and maintain the lines of succession in the school and university education, due consideration shall be given to the goals and missions of both educational systems. The general education system, for instance, is designed to develop, among other things, general culture in the students via standard school subjects including physics, mathematics, humanities and natural sciences etc. The academic system, as far as its social responsibility is concerned, is designed to train a highly knowledgeable, skillful and competent specialist determined for personal development and professional progress.

In application to the national general education and higher educational systems, the succession principle means the connections in the educational methods, models, curricula and tools including physical education ones. The modern physical education system within the integrated national education sector is designed to secure harmonious physical development, working capacity building, body tempering and health improvement; develop core motor skills; establish and improve vitally important physical abilities and qualities; cultivate due interest in and systemic approach to physical training; and build up the knowledge of hygiene, key health values and sports [6].

In view of the above, one of the top priority goals of the national physical education system is to cultivate healthy lifestyle. The notion of healthy lifestyle, however, shall not be limited by the bad habits control, hygienic standard compliance, valeological education, healthy work and rest regimen, diets etc. It may be interpreted as the integrated social phenomenon referred to as the “degree of mobilization of specific social group/ individual for health agenda measurable as the social wellbeing level determined both by the life quality and social system functionality in context of health as a major prolife value” [1].

As far as the national physical education system is considered in its healthy lifestyle cultivation aspect, it may be pertinent to start from the school physical education system. The priority missions of the school physical education system may be listed as follows: motivate schoolchildren for physical activity; improve their health; contribute to and harmonize the physical development process as required by the individual health needs; cultivate their interest in sports and physical education; and promote healthy lifestyle. The school physical educational process shall be designed based on the relevant physical practices; customized training services; team sports; active promotion; and master classes of leaders/ educators.

The physical education services to underage groups in the secondary general education system shall be designed on an age-specific basis with a special focus on the naturally high children’s physical activity and emotionality in the sensitive personality development stages. It should be taken into account that this age group is largely unable to make independent and reasonable decisions and, hence, vulnerable to bad habits, particularly under influences of the relevant groups. These are the reasons why the teacher must make a special emphasis on the child’s personality development aspect.

As far as the higher physical education system is concerned, the above model is not fully compliant with the interests of university students for the reason that they are more independent in decision making; therefore, the model needs to be re-designed with some degree of succession left intact. The academic physical education model shall be designed with a special emphasis on the active and appealing promotion and social advertising initiatives rather than on the academic obligations and formally rated academic progress/ results. As things now stand in the national academic education, many students consider physical education a boring discipline that must still be attended for academic credits only, with such an attitude being clearly detrimental to the personality development agenda however valuable is the contribution from the academic physical education, sports and healthy lifestyle cultivating education.

In this context due succession shall be secured in the educational process in the transition from the secondary general to higher education system. In the goal-setting domain this aspect may be addressed to: offer optional academic physical training and improvement models; train the students to test and rate their own physical progress as required by individual health building paths and self-control and management qualities/ specifics; make available the background data on the academic sport disciplines, their benefits and actual sport services accessible for local academic communities; and promote healthy lifestyles and their benefits by the relevant social advertising mechanisms. The academic physical education methods shall be dominated by a range of customizable physical practices, simplified training sessions, team sports, promotion and educator’s leadership initiatives; with a special emphasis on the healthy lifestyle cultivation in the elective courses that offer every opportunity for a trainee to mobilize his/her health-building resource on an off-class basis for the individual physical progress.

Conclusion. Due succession of physical education within the integrated educational process provides a basis for the healthy lifestyle cultivation – which is one of the key development goals of the modern society. The transition from the secondary general education system to the higher education system shall be reasonably harmonized to ensure due succession of the physical education process, with the elementary mimicking and repetition-based skills being replaced in a phased manner by the growing world-outlook-based health agenda and conscientious efforts with own life and health viewed as the core values.


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The study considers the principle of succession in youth physical education within the integrated educational process that forms a basis for healthy lifestyle cultivation in communities, with due connections of the general secondary and higher educational system being established and developed. Subject to a special analysis is the young population viewed as a unique social group having its special demands including those in the physical education domain. The study specifies the age groups that shall be in special priority in the process under the study; and analyzes the age-specific aspects and key differences of the general education school and university students. Special consideration is given to the succession principle in its application to the physical education process in the modern national education system. The authors explore the correlation of the subject process with the healthy lifestyle viewed as an integrated social phenomenon that facilitates the specific population group resource being fully mobilized for the health agenda and public wellbeing with the relevant life quality and standards secured by due operations of the relevant social institutions to promote the prolife/ health values. The authors offer a set of reference points to secure due succession in the youth physical education process in the integrated education system to cultivate healthy lifestyles in the relevant population groups with the secondary general and higher educational process driven to attain the relevant strategic objectives.