Succession in ethnic traditions for progress in national sports



Postgraduate V.N. Alekseev1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vinokurov2
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha village, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
2Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Smolensk

Indigenous people of the Far North have always appreciated a wide range of their national traditional games that require high dexterity, speed, strength and endurance for success, with the ethnic games and sports ranked among the core values and constituents of the national cultures, histories and philosophies. They are believed to provide the ample means for every dream come true in the individual perfection agenda as they cultivate and advance courage, agility, speed, intellect and spirit.
It is very traditional for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) people to consider the national sports and games an indispensable and natural part of their lifestyles. They have always been a part of culture and ethnic traditions including the specific physical education traditions of the Republican population as they once emerged and progressed to respond the everyday needs and challenges and have always been influenced by the local natural, geographic, economic and ethnic factors. The original national sport disciplines still play an important role in the physical progress, health improvement, body development and competitive processes and events geared to advance and test a variety of special motor qualities, skills and abilities to contribute to the flow of national culture and traditions. The national sports offer an extensive educational resource for the individual health improvement including the physical, mental and aesthetical progress.

Keywords: national sports, culture, spirituality, education.


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