Synergic and diversified approaches for health water fitness model design



Postgraduate A.V. Sharavieva1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.N. Shutova2
PhD, Associate Professor E.O. Rybakova1
Applicant M.A. Vozisova1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study offers and analyzes benefits of the age-specific health water fitness models customizable to young and mature women with a special emphasis on the health aspects of the training process including the following: classified sets of exercises; training cycles; health water fitness toolkit; and the synergic and diversified elements with the benefits substantiation aspects. The models were tested by an educational experiment in 2014-17 at Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Education in its Burevestnik Sports Complex, with junior and mature women sampled for the experiment. Health benefits of the training model were tested by the progress of the cardiovascular and respiratory system performance and physical working capacity test rates.
The progress test data and analyses showed benefits of the age-specific health water fitness models with their synergic and diversified approaches – as verified by the statistically significant physical and functional progress of Experimental Group (EG) versus Reference Group (RG).

Keywords: young/ mature women, water fitness, functionality correction, fitness model design approaches.


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