Equivalent approach to functional fitness rating model applicable in university sports


Dr.Hab., Professor Sh.Z. Khubbiev1
Associate Professor S.Sh. Namozova1
PhD, Associate Professor N.L. Ilyina1
PhD L.V. Shadrin1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

The study analyzes benefits of the equivalent approach to the functional fitness model designs for categorical application in university sports. The approach gives the grounds to find similarities/ correlations of the objects/ processes subject to analysis. In the model piloting project, the following parameters were analyzed: qualification rates for the sport titles and classes including the World Class Master of Sport, Master of Sport, Candidate Master of Sport and Class I-III Athlete; actual functionality rates of the qualified university athletes,
i.e. the objective qualitative measures of their physical and mental performance to benchmark them versus the formal sport qualification standards; and the qualification rates were benchmarked versus the actual functionality rates to find the degree of their correlation/ equivalence. Furthermore, we offered categorical (skill-specific) model rates for the university athletes as the reference points for the individual functionality correction based on the actual functionality rates.

Keywords: equivalent approach, qualification rate, functionality rate, university sports.

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