Skills-specific competitive performance profiles of winter polyathlonists different qualifications


Dr.Hab. V.V. Farbey1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev2
PhD S.A. Khismatullin1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to profile the skills-specific competitive fitness of the 21-25 years-old polyathlonists based on a factor analysis of the key competitive performance rates, with 15 World Class Masters of Sport, 25 Masters of Sport, 22 Candidate Masters of Sport and 24 Class I-II Athletes sampled for the study. The comparative analysis of the skills-specific factorial competitive process profiles of the sample showed significant intergroup differences. It was found among other things that the contributions of specific events in the total scores are the skill-group-specific. In case of the top-skilled athletes, the top-scoring events were the all-round skiing followed by ski race and shooting. In case of the mid-skilled athletes, the success was determined by the speed endurance rate, pull-ups rate, shooting skills, total points, 5/10km ski races and strength endurance. And the low-skilled athletes’ competitive performance was driven by the 10km ski race, pull-ups, strength endurance, functional fitness, shooting skills and the total standing in the all-round skiing.

Keywords: competitive performance, factor analysis, winter polyathlon, factorial profiles.

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