Physical education system evolution in Russian statehood establishment period



PhD A.L. Yurchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor О.G. Zhigareva1
PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Anurov1
A.S. Sidorov1
1Financial Universit under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

The study analyzes the philosophical and practical aspects and the most important factors of influence on the youth physical education system from the early days of the Russian statehood to the beginning of the Romanov’s royal family reign in Russia. Using the historical, retrospective, comparative, quantitative and statistical data analyses, the authors identified and rated the key factors and historical events of the highest effect on the physical education models and progress in the pre-Peter-the-Great period. The study restored the physical education model applied by the prince’s armed forces in the early days of the Russian statehood. For the historical fairness, we propose to revise the traditional view of the Vyborg treaty of military alliance and support of 1609 reached by Sweden and Russia and its implications. We believe that the Vyborg treaty provided a basis for the mass physical and combat training of volunteer corps for the military actions against the Polish invaders. The study data and findings may be of interest for the physical education and sport specialists, healthy lifestyle proponents and historians.

Keywords: physical education, family-ancestral emphasis, focused training, tutorship, mass education models, systemic process.

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