Dependence of psychophysiological indicators students from their motor conditions



PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Nikishin1
PhD, Associate Professor P.V. Galochkin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Matveyev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Shvetsov1
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

The study was designed to profile the key psychophysical performance rates versus the physical activity rates in students by a set of physical workload tests. The psychophysical performance was rated by computerized PFK-01 Test System that objectively tests the nervous system performance by a variety of quantitative rating criteria to produce the test data arrays. The test set included the Simple Sensorimotor Response and Complex Sensorimotor Response Tests to obtain the latent and active response times; and the Tapping Test to rate the maximum physical actions per time interval and endurance of the nervous processes. The study data showed that the active physical training and sport practices were of positive effect on the students’ psychophysical performance rates, with some rates found dominated by the conservative and labile responses.

Keywords: students, psychophysical qualities, physical activity.

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