Health models in biomedical knowledgebase evolution



PhD, Associate Professor E.L. Panova1
PhD, Associate Professor P.A. Shamin1
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)

The study analyzes accomplishments of the national and global science in the medical theory and philosophy to identify the basic health models with evolution of biomedical knowledgebase. The study data demonstrates the key heuristic value of a human image shaping conception applied to analyze a variety of design approaches to the health models. Subject to analysis were the base conceptions of the human nature invariables; human interactions with the natural and manmade environments; and effects on the human body systems. Based on the study data and analyses, we offered the following three health models in the biomedical knowledgebase evolution: bio-centric, socio-centric and techno-centric ones. The bio-centric health model popular in medicine since the late XIX century considers a human being only as the biological organism having the only objective to survive by adapting to the natural environment. The socio-centric health model that was particularly popular in the Soviet health service philosophy is largely based on a human being interpreted as the creature evolving in the natural and social environments. The techno-centric health model has emerged lately with progress of the modern biomedical technologies to interpret man as a living being capable of restructuring own body into a kind of technical system to develop a variety of basically new psychophysical qualities and abilities. This health model has been accepted as a basis for the global trans-humanistic movement on the whole and its national Russia-2045 Project in particular.

Keywords: health, disease, human image, biomedicine, nature, model.

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