Senior-age-specific regress in joint movement patterns in squatting practices



Dr.Hab., Dr.Biol., Professor K.D. Chermit1
PhD, Associate Professor А.G. Zabolotny1
S.V. Pryakhin2
1Adyghe State University, Maikop
2Moscow Technological University, Moscow

It is a common knowledge that every bodily function tends to degrade with age, with due physical practices viewed as the only way to slow down the age-specific regress. The age-specific locomotion degrading process needs to be objectively rated by the relevant rating criteria to design the categorical physical practices for the senior/ declining age people. The locomotion data was obtained for analyses by a 3D optical video-capturing system. The study gives the ankle, knee and hip joint angular movements capturing data and with the squats profiling diagrams. The age-specific regress diagrams for the joint angular movements with the relevant spatial and temporal parameters were obtained and compared with the relevant data for the senior preschoolers and powerlifters.

Keywords: natural regress of movement function, aging process, spatial and temporal parameters of joint movement.

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