Vocational-sports-driven professional training model for university students specialties based on the chosen type of sport



O.V. Kostromin1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.V. Rudenko1
V.A. Dorofeev1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for and offer a vocational- sports-driven professional training model for the mining university students. Comprehensive and dependable data for the model on a variety of issues of physical education at mining universities and their primary training departments were obtained by a questioning survey. The questionnaire survey data showed most of the primary training departments of mining universities offering their physical education services customized to the relevant vocational sport disciplines (28 sports in total). Having analyzed the job-specific requirements and responsibilities, we found academic boxing being the most advantageous sport for the future mining specialists, with the boxing sessions being widely complemented by basics of some other sport disciplines and body conditioning practices viewed as an integral part of the academic physical education process.

Keywords: professional physical education, adaptation to professional activity, mining university students, boxing.

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