Foresight of university sport progress of trends and avenues


Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoryev1
PhD, Associate Professor I.G. Gerasimova2
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Novikova2
1St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Mining University St. Petersburg

The article makes a historical-theoretical analysis of the university sports progress in the late 20th and early 21st century. Fast changing theoretical vision of the world and civilization development challenges require the cultural and functional process being analyzed. It should be recognized that the social fluctuations are of notable effect on the academic vocational identification and sport culture modalities. The historical-theoretical analysis of the academic sports progress for the study period showed the development trends being determined by a variety of exogenous factors. The foresight analytical model in its application to the university sport ideas and accomplishments may be also used to forecast the most promising strategic development avenues. In the context of the ongoing discussion of the promises of the European integration, further development drivers and variations in the consumer demands of the student communities need to be taken into account; and most beneficial in this context are the programs designed to mobilize the theoretical resource of the sport science and step up the technological emphasis in the academic education curricula. Modern studies show the need in due cooperation of university departments and sport clubs to make success in the sport excellence, physical education and volunteer movement advancement domains. The decision-makers shall give a growing priority to the sport science development and sport infrastructure renovation projects with due governmental support.

Keywords: foresight, innovations, codification, modality, Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU), temporality.


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