Role of physical education in competitive specialist training process



PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Vakhnin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vakhnina1
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Smirnova1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Traditional specialist training forms are still retained in the new millennium by the national technical universities albeit the labour automation, new technologies and new job-related risks require traditional education methods and models being updated. The government of the Russian Federation makes a special emphasis in its sustainable development policies to advance the specialist competitiveness and life safety viewed among the highest priorities by the modern communities. Human resource is considered a core element of the sustainable development process, with the modern specialist expected to be highly physically and mentally fit, stress tolerant, mentally balanced, healthy, highly competent in the vocational field and prepared to cope with a variety of stresses in the modern competitive social environments for success. These qualities and skills are in top priority in the physical education and sports programs being successfully implemented at Mining University and highly appreciated by the students as demonstrated by questionnaire surveys. Due management, legal, economic, general cultural and professional competences in the physical education domain are expected to generate a high synergy to improve the quality of the education service provided by the technical university.

Keywords: education, professionalism, health, people, competitiveness, harmony, physical education, security.

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