Physical progress rates of special health group students diagnosed with cardiovascular system disorders vesrus their physical activity rates



PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Milashechkina1
Dr.Biol., Professor T.I. Jandarova2
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
2North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol

The study was designed to rate the physical progress and development of the special health group (SHG) students diagnosed with cardiovascular system disorders versus their physical activity rates. The physical development was rated by body mass index, vital capacity index, chest excursion index and physical fitness test rates. The physical progress of the SHG students diagnosed with cardiovascular system disorders was found to be largely determined by their physical activity rates. The physical development and physical fitness test rates may be recommended as reliable markers of health status, with any fall in the rates being potentially indicative of a health disorder. Low physical activity is known to expose even the relatively healthy people to high health risks; all the more the people diagnosed with some health disorders may not afford physical inactivity as it inevitably further aggravates their health condition. The extra physical and health improvement program was found beneficial for the students diagnosed with cardiovascular system disorders as verified by the respiratory function progress tests.

Keywords: special health group, cardiovascular system, physical progress, adaptation, motor activity.

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