Prognostic progress of academic physical culture of students in higher educational institutions of Russia



PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Zarodnyuk1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pakholkova1
D.B. Selyukin1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to produce an academic physical education progress forecast for Russian universities. The authors believe that the prognostic academic physical education designs shall give a top priority to the determined, effective and professionally focused contribution of students to the cognitive and research prognostic processes. As far as the modern proactive education viewed as the cooperative prognostic activity is concerned, it is only natural that it is driven by the relevant social interactions facilitating the prognostic qualities and personality development process via the relevant joint goals, values and ways to success in the values interaction process. It is via the system of social relationship and cooperation that an individual may come to transformation of him/herself.

Keywords: state, sport policies, process cycling, academic activity.

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