Individual psychophysiological potential test model



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.V. Rudenko1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Dubrovskaya2
I.V. Bobrov1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State University of Emergency Situations Ministry (Russia), St. Petersburg

In the context of the increasingly challenging conditions for the mining industry in the North, the mining companies give a growing priority to the projects to improve the environmental and safety standards in the sector, with a special emphasis on the integrated health monitoring and tests with account of the specific environmental conditions. In every life quality/ health progress rating study, the researcher has to sort out the multiple factors of influence which contributions are not always known or assessable. It is always beneficial in such situations to identify a few key factors of influence controllable by the relevant project. Benefits of the proposed individual psychophysical resource/ progress test model are largely due to the fact that progress in some environmental parameter may be assessed using a limited number of factors for analysis.

Keywords: life safety, individual psychophysical potential, health monitoring.

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