Civil operators’ networking in youth tourism: problems and prospects


Y.A. Karvunis1
Postgraduate L.Sh. Galyamova1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.L. Krainik3
Dr.Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich2, 1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk
3Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul

Keywords: tourist and local-history-study activity, innovations, civil organisations, project activity, youth tourism, sports and health tourism.

Background. The Long-term Socio-economic Development Concept of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 sets objective for the national policies in the education sector that is to develop and mobilize the individual and communal cultural and spiritual resource for the process success. In the present situation when a top priority is being given to innovative solutions, the objective is even more important [3, p. 51]. The regional general education system reform project is governed by the strategic priorities of the general education system development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020; and the core strategic goal of the education system reform project in the Tomsk Region is to secure new quality of the education services as required by the innovative development priorities of the region [1, p. 3].

New quality of the regional education service secured by the innovative development solutions in the Tomsk Region will be achieved via more open regional education system and new educational information environment with the relevant network education programs and projects to secure high accessibility and range of optional high-quality education services [1, p. 8].

The education system reforms may be much more efficient if the innovative resource is created and mobilised by the local education project activity and duly employed for success of the reforms [6, p. 5]. The innovative resource mobilising initiatives in the local educational system are driven by the relevant innovative education projects that are viewed, in their turn, as the control tools for the innovative activity geared to provide, among other benefits, practical competences for every project entity to contribute to the education reform initiatives [6, p. 5; 8, p. 103].

The innovative project organisations active in the children’s and youth tourism via the relevant education projects take efforts to connect the local education system with the outside world i.e. open up the still closed advanced education system. A special priority is given to the new resource inflow into the tourist education to facilitate the innovative resource creation and mobilisation efforts in the system [6, p. 7].

Objective of the study was to analyse benefits, forms and institutional challenges of the cooperative networking of civil operators and education organisations in the tourism industry.

Study results and discussion. For the last five years, the Tomsk-based Children’s Communal Organisation “Dom prirody” (transl. “House of Nature”) has been active in developing and implementing socially beneficial education projects intended to build up, among other things, determined educational associations to promote the local tourism, environmental and regional study projects in the Tomsk region.

The tourist and regional studies (TRS) is generally designed to offer a special education and development social environment for children to help them accept the local historic heritage and experience and appreciate the local culture, history and traditions [7, p. 215]. Such environment, when successfully created making due focus on the natural environments, is known to effectively prevent children’s immoral and asocial behaviour; ease the burden of criminality in local communities; and effectively release children of the stresses from the modern mass media (including TV and internet) and school educational process. Such environments and projects are particularly beneficial in the modern challenging contexts of the crisis of ideals and human life values due to their humanitarian agenda including cultivation of due social values and priorities, needs, interests, and spiritual, ethical and patriotic education aspects.

Regretfully, the relevant local institutions engaged or willing to contribute to the TRS have not integrated into cooperation networks in the Tomsk Region as yet. Currently it is the local municipal Children’s and Youth Education Organization “Kedr” (transl. “Cedar”) that leads in the TRS projects in Tomsk, but its services cannot meet the demand of the half-million population of the city. The regional Junior Tourist Station that was lately reformed to a department of the regional Advanced Children’s Education Centre and then finally closed in 2016 has been active in the area for the last few decades [9, p. 64]. However, the voluntary human resource of the TCCO “Dom prirody” and CYEO “Kedr” have always been welcomed in the project implementation teams as these people are known to be highly experienced and knowledgeable educators, instructors and tourists. In addition, the CYEO “Kedr” has operated a Resource and Methodology Centre to provide consulting and practical services to the TRS projects for the last 3 years, albeit its operations came to an end upon completion of the relevant municipal experimental innovative project. It should be noted, however, that the tourist and regional studies are in high demand in the Region as verified by the practical outcomes and reported popularity of the TRS implemented by the TCCO “Dom prirody” in 2011-2015.

Our analysis of the innovative project activity in the Region shows that it has always given a high priority to cooperative networks of the educational establishments for success of the tourist and regional studies; i.e. has always been designed to consolidate efforts and relationships of the networking entities to create a joint field for cooperation based on social partnerships, efficient information environments and consolidation of resource for success of the joint projects [4, p. 44; 5, p. 133]. Therefore, such networks may be viewed as associations formed on a voluntary basis and driven by the common mission and goals [2, p. 21].

Practical experience has shown, however, that such associations tend to dissolve as soon as the relevant government-supported project comes to completion, with only relatively stable horizontal contacts and communication lines still maintained by the relevant organisations [2, p. 22]. It is not unusual that the network-initiating project or movement often fades away when not supported by the relevant government or private sponsors; and it shows that it is financial constraints rather than some other barriers (including poor interest or motivations of the personnel) that are really critical for success of such projects.

Conclusion. Cooperative networking of civil organisations in the tourism industry needs to be supported by a designated resource management centre responsible for the network management and consolidation activity. Such a resource management centre acting under the relevant educational establishment or civil organisation could be effective in the innovative project activity promotion and expansion; with a special emphasis on the tourist and regional studies related projects and services to increase the value and relevance of the innovative initiatives and advance them further up to the federal level.


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Analysis of the innovative project activity of tourist and regional study civil organisations under the study showed a top priority being given to the networking cooperation of the relevant education institutions i.e. cooperation system building process to engage every process entity in the network and put on track effective operations based on fair social partnership, joint information campaigning, and due resource consolidation and management geared to find solutions for the problems they all face. For the networking cooperation of the tourist organisations being successful, a joint resource management centre shall be established to design, manage and support the networking efforts. Such management centre shall help integrate the local innovative processes and widely disseminate the innovative project experience for the benefit of the tourist and regional study projects and thereby more efficiently employ innovative approaches in the operations.