Educative resource of academic sporting environments



Dr.Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley
Tyumen State University, Tyumen

Keywords: educative resource, academic sporting environment, physical needs, conditions and opportunities.

Background. Sporting activities and sporting environments offer a powerful cultural resource for student population to build up health and psychophysical conditions, develop due spiritual values, and cultivate certain behavioural models via luring students to the academic training and competitive processes commonly referred to as the ‘school of life’; with major sport events and success stories of the leading athletes being duly covered by the national mass media with a special emphasis on the ethical values and progress and, most important, on the traditional physical education system being redesigned with a top priority given to the sports promotion activity [1, 2, 4, 5] and humanistic sport models [8].
Objective of the study was to analyse the educational resource of the modern academic sporting environments.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was performed in the period of 2012 through 2016, with 2,210 students of Tyumen State University being subject to the study.
Study results and discussion. For the study purposes, we applied the ideas of environmental psychology that considers every environment playing an active role in certain behavioural patterns formation process within the frame of the relevant physical and social surroundings (R. Barker, E. Willems) [11]; Theory of Affordances by J. Gibson [7] prioritising the individual activity geared to master the living environment; and, most important, the A.N. Leontyev’s activity theory and social theory that consider every individual not only mastering but also creating the environment in his/her own individuality development process [3].
The educative resource of an academic sporting environment may be applied as the integrative notion determined by the priority sporting values and environment-specific conditions and opportunities for the student’s personality being developed and self-developed on an integrated basis via academic mass sports. ‘It is the education environment that offers one or another opportunity to meet certain needs that encourages an individual for the relevant activity taking benefit of the opportunities within the relevant behavioural model’ [10].
A new integrative-dynamic sporting academic environment was designed at Tyumen State University along the following design lines:
• Sportization of the educational process based on due studies of the actual motor needs of the students addressed in 13 optional courses in the most popular sport disciplines.
• Class and off-class academic work integration supported by the relevant academic progress rating system and project method [6] geared to expand the disciplinary education environments and form the relevant teamwork competences and psychophysical conditions in students using targeted training and competitive models.
• Cultivation of sport traditions and innovations via new projects and actions initiated within existing sport group/ clubs/ mass sport formats, including: Aerobics Festival ‘Grace, Beauty, Health’’; National Games and Sports Festival ‘Routes of Friendships’; GTO Festival, ‘Race of Heroes’; ‘Dynamic Lunch’ etc.
• Academic sports supporting by due cooperation of physical education departments with students’ self-management bodies in sport activists’ training, sport festivals and forums, and fitness trainings for the GTO Complex tests.
• Enriching the academic sport environment with the environmental-sensitive cluster micro-environments with the local yards and parks being equipped for sports; sports grounds and GTO test infrastructure, trekking routes, cycling and skiing tracks routes and bicycle parking modules being constructed and upgraded.
• Public information campaigns to promote local sports supported by the local mass media organisations and corporate networks, sport elite success stories and promotion videos, virtual school ‘Sport for All’ etc.
Practical experience of the educational resource mobilisation in Tyumen State University shows that the voluntary off-class sporting activity has grown up from 27.1% to 35.6% in the male group and from 21.8% to 30.5% in the female group for the last five years. Furthermore, we found that the regular interdisciplinary group sporting practices in the selective academic sports and joint mass sport events have expanded the range of social contacts of sport activists, advanced their physical activity, and facilitated their communicative abilities and values development process.
It should be noted that studies of the students’ priority values rated by the ‘accessibility’ versus ‘desirability’ criteria (as provided by the E.B. Fantalova test, see Figure 1) have showed that as of September 2014 the first-year male students were more often than others tested with contradictions (internal conflicts) between a few desirable albeit non-accessible values including ‘interesting job’, ‘wellbeing’, ‘beauty of nature and arts’. The first year females were tested with such contradictions in such values as ‘love’, ‘happy family’ and ‘health’. The so-called ‘internal vacuum’ (i.e. domination of accessibility) was found in the ‘happy family’ and ‘extensive knowledge’ in the male and female groups, respectively. As of May 2016, the contradictions between the desirable and accessible values were tested virtually the same albeit the female population was tested with an increased ‘health’ accessibility (particularly in EG-2 made of students engaged in team sports); and this progress may be due, in our opinion, to the success of the health-building academic sports.

Priority values: 1– active life; 2 – health; 3 – interesting job; 4 – beauty of nature and arts; 5 – love; 6 – wellbeing; 7 – good and faithful friends; 8 – self-confidence; 9 – extensive knowledge; 10 – freedom as independence in actions; 11 – happy family; 12 – creative activity.
Figure 1. First-year students’ life values: desirability versus accessibility, points
EG-1 (m) EG-1 (f) EG-2 (m) EG-1 (f)

Furthermore, a sociometric data obtained as provided by the J. Moreno Survey showed that the group mental harmony index in the team sports group had increased 1.5 times versus the individual optional sport groups for one year. Most of the surveyed students (84%) rated themselves as patriots of Motherland, university, group; and above 70% reported being prepared for qualification for the GTO Festival considering it an excellent chance to contribute to the national patriotic movement and improve the individual physical fitness. 
The students’ overall endurance (the most problematic physical quality) rating tests of October 2012 and 2016 (see Figures 2, 3) showed the following: (1) The 2016 university entrants were tested with the highest endurance rates; (2) The endurance sagging trend from the first to third year was less expressed in 2016; and (3) The overall endurance of the males was tested higher versus the females. This progress may be due to the efforts taken by the Tyumen authorities for the last five years to step up the physical culture and sporting activity in the city [9]; and in 2016 the local population was reported 34% engaged in habitual sports versus 24.4% as of 2012, with the 14-18 year-old males found the most enthusiastic (with about 80% of this age group reportedly engaged in sports). In addition, the University has advanced the integrative-dynamic sport environment building activity; and at this juncture students may join more than 80 (86 as of 2016) physical culture and sport sections and groups and compete in more than 250 (292 as of 2016) mass physical culture and sport events.


Figure 2. Males’ overall endurance test rates,  % Figure 2. Females’ overall endurance test rates,  %

Conclusion. The new academic sports environment with its multiple contacts driven by the relevant competitive rules and ‘fair play’ principles was designed to facilitate development of psychophysical conditions and motor qualities via socially appealing team competitions; remove barriers of mutual misunderstandings that may arise on many grounds including the national ones; with the progress secured by the new environment found particularly important for extremism prevention, teamwork spirit cultivation and individual professional development of the student population.


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The study outlines the key modern challenges for the academic physical and patriotic education process and demonstrates that an educative resource of an academic sporting environment may be applied as the integrative notion determined by the priority sporting values and environment-specific conditions and opportunities for the student’s personality being developed and self-developed on an integrated basis via academic mass sports. Based on the modern ideas of environmental psychology and personality-centred approach, we consider the practical grounds and project design lines for an efficient integrated academic sporting environment establishing initiatives. The study data and analyses showed that the efficient academic sporting environment helps expand the range of social contacts; encourage sporting activity; build up good communicative abilities and values in university students, conditional on the students’ commitment for academic sports playing the key role for the individual physicality and personality qualities of high importance for their personality progress and professional careers. The educative resource of every local academic sporting environment is determined by curricula, social relationship in the environment and applied technologies geared to meet the physical progress related needs of the student population.