West Siberian students; physical fitness rating tests




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.47-48

PhD O.V. Zlygostev1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Tatyanenko1
1Tobolsk Industrial Institute, branch of Tyumen Industrial University, Tobolsk

Objective of the study was to rate physical fitness of the West Siberian students. The study was performed in the period of 2014 through 2017, with 1,476 Tyumen region students of both sexes being subject to the study. The university students’ physical fitness was rated by a set of standards tests commonly applied by the academic physical education specialists. Speed-strength abilities were rated by the standing two-leg long jump test; coordination abilities were rated by the 5х10m shuttle sprint test; and the male/ female students’ endurance was rated by the 1000m/500m race tests, respectively. The long-term test program joined by many students made it possible to rate their academic progress in the speed-strength, coordination ability and endurance building domains. The study findings have been successfully applied in the academic physical education improvement initiatives at the universities of the Tyumen region.

Keywords: students, tests, sport fitness, speed-strength abilities, coordination abilities, endurance.


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